What does the ISO certification process look like?

An organization that has implemented an ISO system can start the certification process. The Certification Body undertakes to conduct three audits – a certification audit and two surveillance audits at annual intervals. The organization is covered by certification for three years. After that time, it can take a recertification audit and obtain an ISO certificate for another 3 years.

The certification process is a multi-stage mechanism that aims to formally confirm that an organization meets specific standards, most often related to ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards. Obtaining an ISO certificate is not only a confirmation of compliance with international standards for an enterprise, but also a tool for building credibility and competitiveness on the market.

Implementation of a management system compliant with the ISO standard

Before proceeding with certification, the organization must fully implement a management system that complies with the selected ISO standard. This may be a standard for quality management (ISO 9001), environmental management (ISO 14001), information security management (ISO 27001) or another, depending on the specifics of the business. The implementation process includes analyzing existing processes, identifying areas for improvement and developing procedures that will ensure compliance with the standard. Implementing the system can be time-consuming and requires the involvement of the entire organization, and often also the support of external consultants.

Selection of certification body

After the management system has been fully implemented, the organization can proceed to select a certification body. A certification body is an independent organization that is accredited to conduct audits in accordance with a specific ISO standard. It is important that the selected body has an appropriate reputation and is recognized on the domestic and international market. Accreditation of a certification body provides assurance that the certification process will be conducted in accordance with the established standards.

ISO or AQAP Certification from CertCom

Certification audit

Po wyborze jednostki certyfikującej, rozpoczyna się kluczowy etap procesu – audyt certyfikujący. Jest to dokładna analiza i ocena, czy wdrożony w organizacji system zarządzania spełnia wymogi normy ISO. Audyt odbywa się w dwóch etapach:

Stage 1 – Documentation Review:

Auditors of the certification body analyze the organization’s documentation, checking whether the implemented procedures are in accordance with the requirements of the ISO standard. They also assess whether the management system documentation is complete, up-to-date and appropriately adapted to the specifics of the company’s activities.

Stage 2 – On-site audit:

After successfully completing the documentation review stage, auditors conduct an audit at the organization’s headquarters. They verify whether the implemented procedures are applied in practice, talk to employees, observe processes and analyze evidence of compliance with the standard. This audit is detailed and covers various aspects of the organization’s functioning.

As a result of the audit, auditors prepare a report indicating any non-conformities (if any) and recommendations for corrective actions. If the organization meets all the requirements of the standard, it receives an ISO certificate.

Supervision audits

ISO certification is not permanent. After obtaining it, the organization remains under the supervision of the certification body for a period of three years. During this time, surveillance audits are carried out, usually at annual intervals. The purpose of surveillance audits is to verify whether the organization continues to maintain compliance with the ISO standard and whether the implemented management system is constantly being improved.

Surveillance audits are somewhat less detailed than a certification audit, but they are still an important part of the certification process. During surveillance audits, auditors can focus on selected aspects of the management system that were previously questionable, or on areas identified as key to the organization’s functioning.

Recertification audit

After three years of obtaining the certificate, the organization must undergo a recertification audit if it wants to maintain its status as a certified entity. The recertification audit is similar to the certification audit – auditors re-assess the compliance of the management system with the requirements of the ISO standard and check whether the organization has maintained and developed its system in a manner consistent with the requirements.

If the recertification audit is successful, the organization receives the certificate for another three years. Otherwise, it may lose its certification, which may have a negative impact on its reputation and market position.

Benefits of ISO certification

Having an ISO certificate is not only prestigious, but also brings a number of specific benefits to the organization. The most important include:

  • Increased customer confidence: ISO certification is proof that an organization meets international standards, which increases credibility in the eyes of customers.
  • Improving internal processes: Implementing a management system compliant with the ISO standard helps streamline internal processes and increase operational efficiency.
  • Better risk management: ISO systems, especially those related to information security (ISO 27001) or environmental management (ISO 14001), help organizations better manage risks and avoid potential problems.
  • Increased competitiveness: Having an ISO certificate can be a significant advantage in tenders or negotiations with contractors, especially on international markets.

The ISO certification process is a complex but highly valuable mechanism that allows organizations to confirm their compliance with international standards. Certification is not a one-time event, but a long-term commitment to maintaining and improving the management system, which brings numerous benefits to the company, both at the operational and strategic level.

What is ISO?

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a global institution that develops international standards. Its goal…

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