Behavior Policy


CertCom’s goal is to provide the highest quality services, consistent and easily accessible to Partners and Clients. CertCom’s goal is to create a friendly work environment that ensures safety and high morale of Staff by respecting their dignity and rights.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that CertCom manages unacceptable conduct by Partners and Clients in an impartial, confidential, fair and timely manner.

Application and scope

This policy applies to:

  1. all Partners and Customers,
  2. all CertCom Employees,
  3. all Employees, Partners and Clients performing their duties or services for CertCom or on behalf of CertCom.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that CertCom manages unacceptable conduct by Partners or Clients in an impartial, confidential, fair and timely manner. The purpose of this policy is:

  1. informing CertCom Employees, Partners and Clients what types of behavior are considered unacceptable by CertCom,
  2. defining internal responsibilities and obligations within CertCom in dealing with unacceptable behaviour,
  3. defining internal responsibilities and obligations within CertCom in dealing with unacceptable behaviour,

Defining unacceptable behavior

What is considered unacceptable often varies depending on the individuals involved and the culture in which the Partner or Client operates and the particular circumstances of the interaction with CertCom. However, any behavior that could reasonably cause CertCom Personnel to feel threatened, harassed, frightened, offended or physically threatened is considered unacceptable.

Appendix A contains examples of unacceptable conduct.

Responsibilities and Accountabilities in Managing Unacceptable Behavior

Every CertCom employee is responsible and should ensure proper service to Partners and Clients and avoid any potentially difficult situations resulting from a lack of professional approach.
If a CertCom employee experiences unacceptable behavior on the part of Partners or Clients, he or she is obliged to promptly warn the Partner, Client in a professional manner that he or she considers their behavior unacceptable. In the event of unacceptable behavior during a telephone conversation, CertCom Staff is authorized to notify the Partner or Client that he or she will terminate the call if the interlocutor does not stop behaving in an unacceptable manner. After such a warning, the CertCom Employee has the right to terminate the call if the Partner or Client continues to behave in an unacceptable manner. The employee immediately reports the incident via the Helpdesk and informs his or her superior about the situation.
CertCom Managers must ensure that the principles of this Policy are communicated, understood and enforced within their authority. Managers ensure that all incidents are reported by Employees or themselves via the Helpdesk. If the Manager deems it necessary to take further action, they should contact the Managing Director.
The Managing Director is responsible for communicating the Policy to all Partners and Clients. The Managing Director or his/her designee will conduct further investigation into the incident and request additional information or evidence, as appropriate. When deemed appropriate, he/she will send a formal notification informing the Partner or Client of the incident and the remedial measures taken by CertCom and information on the behavior requiring change by the Partner or Client. He/she will also decide to implement actions to minimize the risk of unacceptable behavior, which may include one or more of the following:

  1. limiting future contacts to a specific form (e.g. only written contact),
  2. designating one Employee to handle all future relationships with the Partner or Client,
  3. recording all telephone and face-to-face conversations (ensuring that GDPR and other relevant requirements are met),
  4. cessation of contact if other measures are ineffective,
  5. termination of contracts with a Partner or Client, where unacceptable conduct will be indicated as the reason for termination,
  6. taking legal action, such as applying for a court order to prohibit contact and ensure that such unacceptable behaviour ceases, or seeking compensation,

The actions taken will be communicated to the Partner or Client in writing by the Managing Director of CertCom. The Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of CertCom is responsible for considering legal aspects and initiating legal procedures regarding unacceptable behavior, if necessary.

Monitoring and reporting

CertCom will monitor this policy to ensure that it is applied in a fair, reasonable and consistent manner.



Aggressive behavior

Violent conduct that may cause physical harm. This includes violence against CertCom employees, whether written or verbal, that is threatening or appears to be aggressive.

Offensive behavior

Offensive behaviors include those that may be verbal and intimidating in nature.

  • Verbal Behavior – includes rude and derogatory remarks, provocative statements and unfounded allegations. This type of behavior also includes abusive language or raising your voice at CertCom Staff during telephone conversations or in correspondence (e-mail, letter, etc.).
  • Intimidation – This includes behavior that causes CertCom staff to feel fearful and unsafe.

Awkward behavior

Behavior that manifests itself through various comments, actions or gestures that are hostile or unwelcome and that affect the sense of dignity or psychological comfort of a CertCom Employee. Furthermore, this type of behavior is manifested when a Partner or Client seeks to cause unnecessary aggravation or irritation to CertCom Employees through unfounded complaints.

Discriminatory behavior

This type of behavior is used against someone because of their disability, gender identity, race, religion or sexual orientation.


A Partner or Client must act honestly and must not defame or discredit CertCom or its Personnel.
Partner or Client must not make any false or misleading statements regarding CertCom or its products and services.

Persistent behavior

The actions of a Partner or Client may be considered persistent conduct when, after exhausting all internal mechanisms of procedure, the Partner or Client continues to challenge CertCom’s decision regarding their complaint or dispute. The inadmissibility of persistent conduct results from the fact that the commitment of CertCom’s time and resources to resolve the problem is disproportionate. Examples of persistent conduct by Clients or Partners:

  • persistently refuses to follow the appropriate procedures explained to them by CertCom to resolve their problem,
  • Continuously making excessive and unnecessary telephone calls or visits to CertCom offices,
  • continuous contact with CertCom on the same issues without providing new information,
  • false use of names to contact CertCom offices and gain access to the same problem.

Extreme behavior

Unauthorized recordings

Extreme behaviors pose a direct threat to the safety and well-being of CertCom Personnel. Critical behaviors are addressed with priority and due diligence.

Any unauthorized filming or audio recording of face-to-face meetings, telephone communications or meetings is prohibited without the prior consent and knowledge of all parties involved.

Intentional damage

Unacceptable conduct may also include intentional damage to CertCom property caused by a Partner or Client.